Teresa "Tessa" Mae

Owner: LiliaFaie



Occupation: Nurse Anesthetist

Place of Residence: Wittholm

Personality: Tessa puts on a lively front in public, but it's often an act. She suffers from depressive episodes that suck all the joy and meaning out of things she used to enjoy. In spite of her friendly facade she trash talks pretty much everyone around her (behind their backs), which is a way for her to cope with her negative feelings about herself. However, she's known to be a gossip and this can cause tension at her workplace. Her current reason for keeping on living is her boyfriend Eric.

Hobbies: scrapbooking, asking Eric to carry out ridiculous tasks, engaging in gossip and spreading rumors for the hell of it

Tidiness Level: leaves things wherever but generally lacks the energy to move them around much in the first place


- Trashy TV shows

- Eric's cheesy lines (though she doesn't often admit to it)


- Herself

- Being called Teresa


Tessa's depressive episodes eventually worsened to the point where she cut off contact with her former friends, and she eventually decided to attempt suicide. However, she was interrupted by Eric Dwight. She initially resented Eric for getting in her way but gradually developed a fondness for him and began dating him.


Eric Dwight: boyfriend


- The majority of Tessa's spare time is spent on her couch. Eric often carries her around the house as needed.


Work Outfit:

to be added

Notable Alternate Timeline Versions

To be added
